村上 春二  Shunji Murakami

株式会社シーフードレガシー / COO/取締役副社長(Ocean to Table Council メンバー)
COO and Vice President / Seafood Legacy Co., Ltd (Member of Ocean to Table Council)

福岡県出身。米国の大学にてビジネスと自然地理学を専攻。その後、パタゴニア日本支社での勤務を経て、国際環境非営利機関 Wild Salmon Centerそしてオーシャン・アウトカムズ(O2)の設立メンバーとして日本支部長に従事。その後、株式会社シーフードレガシー取締役副社長/COOとして就任。漁業者や流通企業と協力し、日本では初となる漁業・養殖漁業改善プロジェクト(FIP/AIP)を立ち上げるなど、漁業現場や水産業界そして国内外のNGOに精通しIUU対策などを含む幅広い分野で日本漁業の持続性向上に対して活動している。多くの国内外におけるシンポジウムや水産関連会議やフォーラムでの登壇や司会などを務めるなど、国内外で活動する。
米国 Fishery Progress Advisory Committee Member
水産庁養殖業成長産業化協議会 委員
Shunji leads the strategic development and implementation of programs at Seafood Legacy as COO/ Vice President. He maintains strong relationships with Japanese fishery communities, seafood business, and key Japanese NGOs, working closely with these stakeholders to co-develop solutions that lead to improved fishing practices and improved fishery-based livelihoods. Responsible for the launch Japan’s first ever FIP and AIP, he has pioneered the improvement model in Japan. He has served as a moderator and panelist on numerous domestic and international sustainable seafood forums such as the SeaWeb Seafood Summit, etc. Prior to O2, Shunji led the Japan Program for Wild Salmon Center and Ocean Outcomes as Japan Program Director where he worked with wide range of stakeholders from fishery to government on fisheries improvements.
Fishery Progress Advisory Committee Member
Member of Japan Fishery Agency Promotion Committee of Development of Aquaculture Industrialization