佐々木 ひろこ Hiroko Sasaki

一般社団法人シェフスフォーザブルー / 代表理事
Executive Director / Chefs for the Blue

仕事を通じ、激減する水産資源の現状を知って衝撃を受け、2017年に東京のトップシェフ約30名と共に啓発団体Chefs for the Blueを立ち上げる。以来、数々のイベント等を通じて「日本の海の今」を伝え、志を同じくする諸団体とともにサステナブルシーフードの啓発活動に取り組んできた。2018年3月には、米海洋保全団体シーウェブが主催するサステナブルシーフード・プロジェクトのグローバルコンペティション“Co-Lab 2018”で優勝を果たす。
Hiroko Sasaki is a food journalist and editor with about 20 years of experience in the field of food culture and gastronomy. She writes for many Japanese media, both printed and digital,  and has been integral in food-related book projects including NOBU the SUSHI BOOK, a cookbook by global sushi legend Chef Nobu Matsuhisa (Sekai Bunka Publishing Inc.). She studied professional cookery at Kendall College and journalism at Northwestern University, both in Illinois, U.S.A., after graduating from Japan's Kobe University with a law degree. In 2017, Sasaki founded Chefs for the Blue, an organization with about 30 top Tokyo-based chefs advocating seafood sustainability and educating people on the issue. In February 2018, she led Chefs for the Blue to win SeaWeb’s Co-Lab, an annual global competition encouraging cross-sector collaboration to create innovative solutions for seafood sustainability.