小正 瑞季 Mizuki Komasa

Representative Director / SPACE FOODSPHERE Association 

 2008年に慶應義塾大学大学院(バイオインフォマティクス専攻)修了後、三井住友銀行、SMBC日興証券を経て、2015年にリアルテックファンドへ参画。宇宙輸送船、探査機、アバターロボット、食料生産技術、次世代バッテリーなど人類の宇宙進出に必要となる技術を持つベンチャーを幅広く支援する。2019年にJAXAやシグマクシスら30以上の企業等と共に世界初の宇宙食料マーケット共創プログラムSpace Food X を創設、2020年には地球と宇宙の食の課題解決を目指す一般社団法人SPACE FOODSPHEREを創設した。https://spacefoodsphere.jp/

Mizuki Komasa graduated from the Keio University with a master degree in Bioinformatics in 2008. He worked for Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and SMBC Nikko Securities, after which he joined Real Tech Fund in 2015. He has been supporting a wide range of technology startups from space cargo ships, space crafts, avatar robots, food production technologies, and next-generation batteries, who have the potential to expand humanity into deep space. In 2019, he co-founded Space Food X, the world's first space food market co-creation program with JAXA, SIGMAXYZ and more than 30 other companies and experts, and in 2020, he founded SPACE FOODSPHERE that aims to solve food problems on the Earth and in space. 
