小竹 貴子 Takako Kotake

クックパッド株式会社 / Evangelist
Evangelist and Managing Director of Corporate Branding /Cookpad Inc.

クックパッド株式会社Evangelist、コーポレートブランディング本部長。1972年石川県金沢市生まれ。関西学院大学社会学部卒。株式会社博報堂アイ・スタジオでWEBディレクターを経験後、2004年有限会社コイン(後のクックパッド株式会社)に三番目の社員として入社。前職の経験を活かし、のちの広告事業の柱となる、広告主とユーザーのwin-winを叶えた全く新しいレシピコンテストを生み出す。2006年編集部門長就任、2008年執行役就任。2009年、日経WOMAN「ウーマン・オブ・ザ・イヤー2010」を受賞。2012年クックパッド株式会社を退社、独立。フリーランスとして仕事をするも、2016年4月クックパッドに復職、現在に至る。ホクト株式会社、フリュー株式会社、株式会社 askenの社外取締役も勤める。今年5月に、自らの料理理論をまとめたレシピ本「ちょっとの丸暗記で外食レベルのごはんになる」(日経BP社)発売。
Takako Kotake is Evangelist and Managing Director of Corporate Branding of Cookpad Inc. born in Ishikawa Prefecture in 1972.
After graduating from School of Sociology of Kwansei Gakuin University in Hyogo Prefecture, she began her career as a web advertising director of HAKUHODO I-STUDIO Inc.
In 2004, Kotake became the third member of Coin, which was incorporated as a private limited company and which later became Cookpad Inc. in September of the same year.
Benefitting from the experience, she created a brand-new project, a recipe contest that brought a win-win solution for advertisers and users. Later it became a core business of advertising of Cookpad.
In 2006, Kotake became Managing Director of the Editing department, and 2years later she was appointed as an executive officer. She received an award of "Woman of the Year 2010" sponsored by Nikkei Woman in that next year. Although she left Cookpad inc. in 2012 and began her job as a freelancer, she was reinstated to Cookpad in April 2016.
In May 2020, she released her cooking science recipe book by Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.)"