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多摩大学ルール形成戦略研究所HP: https://crs-japan.org/

福田 峰之 Mineyuki Fukuda

多摩大学ルール形成戦略研究所/ 客員教授
Visiting Professor / TAMA UNIVERSITY Center For Rule-Making Strategies

1964年生まれ。立教大学卒。横浜市会議員(2期)、衆議院議員(3期)、内閣府大臣補佐官(マイナンバー制度担当)、内閣府副大臣(IT、防災、知財、科学技術等担当)。衆議院議員時代は、IT政策、水素エネルギー政策、都市農業政策の実務責任者。現在、多摩大学ルール形成戦略研究所(CRS)客員教授、CRS細胞農業研究会事務局長。NPO法人Be a Taxpayer理事長。CRS細胞農業研究会では、政・官・産・学のステークホルダーによる議論、国内外の事例研究を通じて、細胞農業に関する国内外のルール作りを推進している。広く細胞農業の分野は、日本や日本企業が、TOPリーダーとなりうる要素を十二分に備えていると言い、自ら「細胞農業ビジネス応援団」と称している。
Born in 1964. Graduated from Rikkyo University. Member of the Yokohama City Council (2nd term), Member of the House of Representatives (3rd term), Assistant Minister of the Cabinet Office (in charge of my number system), Deputy Minister of the Cabinet Office (in charge of IT, disaster prevention, intellectual property, science and technology, etc.). During his time as a member of the House of Representatives, he was in charge of IT policy, hydrogen energy policy, and urban agricultural policy. Currently, he is a visiting professor at the Tama University Rule-Forming Strategy Research Institute (CRS) and the secretary general of the CRS Cellular Agriculture Study Group. Chairman of NPO Be a Taxpayer. The CRS Cellular Agriculture Study Group promotes the creation of domestic and international rules regarding cellular agriculture through discussions by political, government, industry, and academia stakeholders and case studies in Japan and overseas. In the field of cellular agriculture, it is said that Japan and Japanese companies have more than enough elements to become TOP leaders, and they call themselves "cellular agriculture business cheering party".