木塚 健太  Kenta Kitsuka

グローバル・ブレイン株式会社 / パートナー
 Partner / Global Brain Corporation


三洋電機、日本ロレアルを経て、GBに参画。GBでは、ベースフードへの投資をリードするなど、Food tech領域を担当。そのほか、ヘルスケア、素材系、エネルギー領域を中心に投資を行う。
Kenta is in-charge of food tech, beauty tech, healthcare and material areas at Global Brain. He led the firm’s investment in BASE FOOD, a Japan-based developer/seller of nutritionally complete food. He has a Ph.D. in material science and physical chemistry and is an expert in consumer related products through his work at Sanyo Electric and L'Oreal as a researcher.