宮田 湧太 Yuta Miyata

マネージャー / 株式会社シグマクシス
SIGMAXYZ Inc. / Manager

組織開発からデジタルマーケティングまで豊富なプロジェクト経験を持つ。特に、ビジネス開発+デジタル・データ領域に強み。国内外のフードテックベンチャーに精通しておりSKS Japanではベンチャー企業の巻き込み、セッションモデレーターを担当
Project Lead of Smart Kitchen Summit Japan 2019 and the Expert on Food Tech Venture especially in terms of partnership between ventures and large corporations. While leading multiple food tech related projects for large corporations, Yuta flies across Japan and global as food tech venture hunting, meet innovators, and building food tech venture community. Has been serving broad strategic issues such as digital marketing strategy, transformation of organization, new business development, etc. Fluent in data analytics for digital marketing.
Aspiration: To create a new industry and services which will truly revolutionize human by accelerating the collaboration between ventures and large corporations