Shawn Lange

The Middleby Corporation / Lab2Fabブランドプレジデント
Brand President, Lab2Fab / The Middleby Corporation

Shawn Langeは、20年以上もオートメーション産業でのグローバルな経験がある、成功した起業家である。彼は共同設立者・CEOとして、「2016年度Inc. 5000の急成長企業リスト」の中で、L2F Inc.をエンジニアリング部門2位、総合評価237位に導いた。2017年の10月には、同社を The Middleby Corporationに売却することに成功した。
Shawn Lange is a successful entrepreneur with more than 20 years of global experience in the automation industry. In his role as co-founder and CEO, Lange led L2F Inc. to #2 in Engineering and #237 overall on the 2016 Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing private companies. In October 2017, he successfully led the sale of the organization to The Middleby Corporation (NASDAQ: MIDD).
Now, as Brand President of L2F, Shawn looks to help Middleby increase its lead as the driver of innovation in the food service industry.
Lange is a graduate of Kettering University with both a B.S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering and a B.S. Degree in Electrical Engineering. He also received his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on robotics from Santa Clara University.
Shawn is an adjunct lecturer at Santa Clara University and a board member of the school’s Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. In his spare time, he volunteers as a mentor for SCU’s California Program for Entrepreneurship and Silicon Valley’s Plug-n-Play incubator. Lange resides in Silicon Valley with his wife and two daughters.