外村 仁 Hitoshi Hokamura

東京大学工学部卒業後、戦略コンサルティング会社ベイン & カンパニーで外資系および日系企業の経営コンサルティングに従事。1992年よりアップルコンピューター社で市場開発やマーケティング本部長職などを歴任。陸路でヨーロッパに渡った後、フランスINSEADで夫人がMBAを取得する間主夫として毎日料理勤しみ、翌年スイスのIMD(国際経営大学院)MBAを取得。
2000年、パロアルトにてストリーミング技術のベンチャーGeneric Mediaを共同創業し、$12Mの資金調達から売却までを経験する。その後、First Compass Group を共同創業、2010年からはエバーノートジャパン会長を務め、NTT DoCoMoや日経新聞との資本・業務提携を推進しEvernote社のユニコーン化に貢献。
現在は、スクラムベンチャーズのパートナー、All Turtlesのスペシャルアドバイザー、またスタートアップ数社のアドバイザー・ボードメンバーを務める。また、総務省「異能ベーション」プログラムアドバイザー、経産省グローバル・ネットワーク協議会アドバイザー、岡山大学起業家プログラムSiEEDのエグゼクティブアドバイザーも務める。シリコンバレー日本人起業家ネットワーク(SVJEN)の初代代表。ジャパンソサエティのイノベーションカウンシルメンバー。
Evernote時代にはChief Food Officerという愛称でも知られ、シリコンバレーにて「FoodITの融合」をテーマに活動中。Nippon Gochiso Selectブランドアンバサダー。全日本食学会会員。2012年には、日経ビシネス「次代を創る100人 」にも選出された。
After graduating from the Faculty of Engineering in Tokyo University, he worked as a management consultant at "Bain & company" for multiple clients. From 1992, he moved to Apple and lead the various marketing activities in Japan. After traveling to Europe by land, he started to cook everyday in France while his wife was taking MBA at INSEAD, afterwards he moved to Switzerland and took his MBA at IMD.
 In 2000 he co-founded a streaming media start-up called Generic Media in Palo Alto, and experienced all stages from fundraising of $12M to acquisition of the company. In 2010, He joined Evernote and served as Chairman for Japan, and lead $20M investment from NTT DoCoMo and Nikkei respectively, as well as deep product integration and business relations.
Currently, he  is a partner of Scrum Ventures,  a special advisor for All Turtles, as well as advisor for multiple startups. He is also the advisor for "異能(Inno)vation" program by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), as fell as Global Network Council Japan by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). He is also executive advisor of SiEED entrepreneurs’ program at Okayama University. He co-founded the the first professional network for Japanese entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley called SVJEN, serving as first president. Innovation Council Member of Japan Society.
 At Evernote, his nickname was well-known as Chief Food Officer, and has been active in "Fusion of Food and IT" in Silicon Valley. Member of All Japan Food Association. He was awarded as “100 people who will create the next era” by Nikkei Business in 2012.