河野辺 和典 Kazunori Kawanobe

株式会社LOAD&ROAD / 代表取締役
Co-Founder & CEO / LOAD&ROAD INC.


1988年栃木県生まれ。千葉大学を卒業後、機械エンジニアを経て、2014年にアメリカのBabson College MBAプログラムに入学。MBA在学中の2015年にインド人クラスメイトのMayuresh SoniとLOAD&ROAD米国法人を設立。ティードリンカーのためのIoTボトルteploを開発し、2016年に発売を開始。


Born in Tochigi Prefecture in 1988. After he worked as a mechanical engineer, he went to Boston to pursue MBA program in Babson College in 2014. He met his co-founder Mayuresh Soni from India in the MBA program, and they founded LOAD&ROAD in the U.S. in 2015, when they were students. In 2016, they launched teplo1.0, connected bottle for tea lovers. In 2017, they started developing next generation model, teplo2.0. They founded LOAD&ROAD in Japan in 2018 and now the team has been expanded to Japan and India.
The teplo2.0 uses sensors to brew tea personalized to each specific plant’s needs, the user’s preferences, the user’s physical state, and the surrounding environment. The teplo2.0 won the Innovation Awards in CES 2019.
They raised more than $65,000 during 30 days Kickstarter campaign in 2019. They plan to start mass production in 2020.