川越 一磨 Kazuma Kawagoe

株式会社コークッキング / 代表取締役 CEO
CEO / CoCooking Co., Ltd.


大学在学中に和食料理店で料理人修行をし、卒業後は株式会社サッポロライオンで飲食店の店舗運営の経験を積む。退職後、大学時代に山梨県富士吉田市をフィールドとしたまちづくり研究をしていた関係で、2015年7月富士吉田に移住。空き家をリノベーションしたコミュニティカフェやこども食堂の立ち上げなどを行う。同年12月に株式会社コークッキングを創業。料理を通じたチームビルディングワークショップ等を、主に法人向けに展開。2017年からはサスティナブルな食の未来を切り拓くべく、日本初のフードロスに特化したシェアリングサービス「TABETE」の事業化に取り組む。2016年5月よりスローフードの活動に参画し、フードロスの啓蒙活動「Disco Soup」の運営に従事。Slow Food Youth Network Tokyo代表を経て、2019年4月には一般社団法人日本スローフード協会の理事に就任。フードロスに関することのみではなく、SDGs関連トピック、フードビジネスに関するスピーチや講演なども積極的に行っている。
Kazuma Kawagoe is the co-founder and CEO of CoCooking, the company behind Japan's first food sharing app TABETE that fights food waste in efforts for a sustainable future of food.
He started his career as a chef at a Japanese restaurant during his undergraduate years. After finishing his bachelors at Keio University, he continues his career by joining the beer restaurant chain Sapporo Lion to study restaurant operations. After leaving Sapporo Lion in 2015, he moved to the suburban city of Fujiyoshida where he helps open and operate  a community cafe in a before-abandoned building.
In December 2015, he co-founds CoCooking as a company that offers creative cooking experiences to businesses. After several years of operation, the company expands its business to create the future of food, leading to the launch of TABETE.
Kazuma is also a part of the Slow Food movement since 2016. After serving as the leader of Slow Food Youth Network Tokyo, he was appointed a board member of Slow Food Nippon in 2019. As a protagonist fighting for the future of our planet, Kazuma is also an active speaker in topics including food waste, food businesses, and other SDGs related topics.