金子 晃久 Akihisa Kaneko

クックパッド株式会社 / スマートキッチン事業部 部長
Director of Smart Kitchen Department / Cookpad Inc.

2004年ソニー株式会社入社。ソフトウェアエンジニアとして、カメラの新機能や Androidアプリなどの商品開発に携わる。2011年、スタンフォード大学にて客員研究員として Behavior Design を学び、帰任後は新規事業開発や商品コンセプト開発に携わる。

 Akihisa is currently the Director of Smart Kitchen Department at Cookpad Inc., where he is launching a Smart Kitchen service called “OiCy” for making daily cooking enjoyable.
In 2004, Akihisa Joined Sony Corp. as a software engineer and developed new camera functions, mobile apps on tablet device, etc. In 2011, he went to Stanford University as a visiting scholar to study behavior design. And after a year, he took part in product concept and business development.
Meanwhile, Akihisa has been cooking at home for several years. While he faced various challenges in cooking, he realized that he could use technology to make cooking easier and better. With the passion to fulfill his vision of Smart Kitchen combined with technology, he joined Cookpad Inc. in 2018.