石川 善樹 Yoshiki Ishikawa

株式会社Campus for H / 予防医学研究者、博士(医学)
Public Health Researcher / Campus for H

1981年、広島県生まれ。東京大学医学部健康科学科卒業、ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院修了後、自治医科大学で博士(医学)取得。(株)Campus for H共同創業者 「人がよりよく生きるとは何か(Well-being)」をテーマとして、企業や大学と学際的研究を行う。専門分野は、予防医学、行動科学、計算創造学など。@ishikun3
Yoshiki earned a bachelor’s degree in Health Science from the University of Tokyo, a Master of Science in Health Policy and Management from Harvard School of Public Health, and a PhD in Medicine from Jichi Medical School. As a public health researcher and science journalist, Yoshiki specialized in Health Policy and Management, Behavioral Science, and Computational Creativity with the aim of advancing the well-being of humanity through a mathematical and computational approach with big data.